Dr. Macrene's Cosmetic Classification of Skin Aging*
Fine Line & Wrinkles Appearance – fine and coarse lines on face and neck.
Laxity Appearance – sagging skin, such as folds around the mouth and marionette lines, jowels, and loss of firmness to the neck.
Uneven Complexion – loss of luster in the undereye area, upper lip, and cheeks.
Uneven Skin Tone – appearance of age blotches and blemishes.
Loss of Radiance – ruddy appearance on the nose, chin, and eventually the rest of the face.
Textural Changes – appearance of roughness and unevenness which worsens over time.
Decrease in Luminosity – dullness to skin which worsens over time.
* Alexiades-Armenakas M.R., Dover J.S., Arndt K.A. The spectrum of laser resurfacing: non-ablative, fractional and ablative laser resurfacing. J Amer Acad Dermatol 2008 May; 58(5): 719-740
37 Actives provides the most potent proven ingredients to address each category of cosmetic skin aging actively combined in a single cream. Independent testing by an esteemed laboratory confirmed clinical results for each category by objective quantitative measurements of the appearance of wrinkles, appearance of blotches and skin tone.