Merry Christmas from MACRENE actives

Warm wishes from our family at MACRENE actives to yours! And a special wag from Zeus, Dr. Macrene's Swiss shepherd!

Dear MACRENE actives customer,

In this time of reflection, I believe our elective choices–including skincare–should serve to create meaning and happiness in our lives. With MACRENE actives, we hope you are empowered to start the new year with a greater sense of joy, purpose and confidence. Our work is far beyond the concept of aging; it is about the restoration of natural beauty, health and wellness to you and to the earth. Through clean, highly effective and eco-sustainable skincare, we are building the future of beauty and creating an innate sense of contentment in our clients. Thank you for allowing us to take care of you: seeing you joyful in your own skin is the best gift we could ever ask for!

Sending you and yours all the merriest Christmas wishes from the MACRENE actives team; wishing you joy, warmth and peace, this holiday and every day.


Best Wishes,

Dr. Macrene