The Derm-Scientist® and the Clean Beauty Authority® Dr. Macrene dives deep on antioxidants, anti-aging treatments, and active ingredients with Mind Body Green's beauty director Alexandra Engler.
"If you use natural and organic ingredients in your skincare, or even in your diet, you will in the long run, look better, healthier, and more beautiful than those who go for the quick fixes. Quick fixes and aggressive treatments may look good for a night, a week, or even a month or two. But If overused, they can damage the skin. And as the months and years go by, the skin can actually look worn and unhealthy. So you're far better served going with the healthy, organic plant ingredients that actually boost skin health and naturally repair damage,” says Dr. Macrene.
Listen to the Clean Beauty School's interview with Dr. Macrene and find out what skincare ingredients you should invest in for healthier, younger-looking skin!
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